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Wednesday, January 21, 2015

InstaNatural Seaweed Powder Review

Recently I had the opportunity to use InstaNatural Seaweed Powder. InstaNatural Seaweed Powder comes from botanical kelp. It is a great source of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin B12, vitamin E, and iodine. Seaweed is supposed to help reduce cellulite and help your body appear firmer and help your skin to look smoother. It is also believed to remove impurities and absorbs excess water.
InstaNatural Seaweed Powder

When I was a pre-teen, I saw an infomercial about a cellulite cream that contained seaweed. The woman in the program touted the awesome benefits of seaweed to help reduce cellulite. At the time, I lived a short distance from a beach with a plentiful supply of seaweed. Inspired, I quickly rounded up a bucketful of seaweed and rinsed it. I proceeded to rub it on my dimpled thighs to see what would happen. Lesson 1 – real, natural seaweed from the beach is full of sand and little flies. Lesson 2 – seaweed stinks. The only thing happened with this experiment is that my parents got a good laugh.

Seaweed powder is much less messy and can be used for body masks, body wraps and even on the face. I was unable to use it on my face, due to the smell. I did use it several times on my body. I recommend using a dry brushing technique before applying the seaweed mask to your body to exfoliate and stimulate circulation. I recommend using more oil than the recipe on the label says to help the mixture go on smoother and be less messy.  More oil also helps it to be less flaky as it dries and falls off. Then shower after about 20 minutes when it is dry and wash it off.
InstaNatural Seaweed Powder

For a seaweed wrap mix the recipe on the label and apply a generous amount to your thighs and behind. Then wrap in gauze or plastic wrap, leaving it on for about 20 minutes. Dr. Oz also has a recipe for a seaweed body scrub that I tried, and it is good.

InstaNatural Seaweed Powder is available on It comes in a huge container that will last awhile. This seaweed power is so much better than harvesting your own seaweed.

I received the above product free, through, in return for my honest review.

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